Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bus Dungeon Coming Along

They've driven steel, they've laid mix. All signs point to go, so that "those people" are out of sight. The Bus Dungeon under the latest Gardiner megastructure in downtown Boise. It will look so good while it's new, but it's size all but insures the same pitiful level of "service" we are all used to. And the gloss will wear off, and the group will run off to greener pastures.  All in service of the almighty automobile. It's all our fault of course.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nothing Better Than A Empty Parking Lot

Unless, of course, that lot is chained off. For unknown reasons the people at the Electric Company are removing this lagoon from their stables of parking lots. Perhaps its in for a nice overlay and re striping, or perhaps the door rattler just forgot. The effect remains. Odd. Or something.....