Saturday, December 15, 2012

Green Acre


The place to be.
So far, we have escaped the infill, but this has come at a cost.
No mixed use.
Ideally, this land would remain green, if only to provide a heat sink for the concrete jungle.
But, wait for the rebound. Progress will not be denied.
Unless, it has to.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's not alright

Mystery Retailer

Of course it's Trader Joe's. You see the Porsche in the parking lot? It's going to be a nice little drive for our Meridian UpMobiles. Whiz down to the WF, whiz by the TJ, go back to the McMansion. Done. (Thanks to George Prentice for doing the footwork on this story. I'm not reporting, I'm lamenting.)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

We Are Marching To Suburbia

Crummy screen capture. You're welcome.

Parking. The removal of parking spaces strikes a chill amongst the few onlookers who are paying attention. No word on who the prospective tenants are, but one of them is asking for a drive through. Here's hoping that we get that Arbys we have all been clamoring for, although a Wendys or Burger King would be solid as well. This is on our "gateway boulevard," as they like to trumpet. It's very revealing of the poverty of their world view. They want to drop a suburban style 4 pad development in a prominent place, and all people can talk about is the loss of parking for their god given right to drive.
I know this is reality for people, but, reality sucks.