Monday, May 23, 2011

Layers Of The Box

The Past reemerges.

The boxes don't matter, it's all in how they are programmed. Used for different things over the years, well off the mainstream of life, probably by design. Inside looks well kept and cared for. But, what can this be used for after people stop driving?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

8th & Idaho, Looking West

SOURCE: Idaho State Historical Society

Have we gotten better, or worse? You can't see the Balcony Club from here, although you feel it's presence. The business's seem less vital, less serious. But the same can be said about most things in this life: not serious. Everything is a facade. A parade of boxes with facades that are supposed to represent something real. But it isn't real. And it is not about to last, either.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bus Bunker

Of course, this is scheduled to be replaced when the new transit mall is placed downtown, wherever it may be. People are terrified of the riff raff associated with bus riding. I've heard it from more than one citizen/consumer. Or is that, Consumer/Citizen? I think we know which takes precedence as things are arranged today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Parking Basement Banker Bunker

That is WAYNE! heading down into the belly of the beast. Making a pickup from the ugliest monolith in Boise.

Thursday, May 5, 2011



There is no reason to take a brick warehouse building and turn it into something else. No reason. Too expensive. You could have bulldozed that place, and put up something ADA compliant, generic, and boxey. but they didn't. For that reason, the developer has my undying admiration. I enjoy seeing this building whenever I walk by it. wa
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Merry Dina

The onion shaped water tower by the speedway, as seen from the shopping complex that sprang up next to the freeway. Looking across the old core at Meridians old farm town past, at the grain elevator turned into a shopping place, only makes the sad demolition of the fertile farmland that used to be the reason this town existed sadder.